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作者:lol比赛赌注平台发布时间:2022-09-15 17:09






一、加强标准化工作的整体推进。完善《纲要》,落实配套政策,积极将标准化纳入产业、区域、科技、贸易等各项政策规划,加强与标准化相关要求的协调衔接。建立健全标准化工作协调推进领导机制。制定实施“十四五”期间推动高质量发展国家标准体系建设规划,各地区和有关部门可结合实际制定标准化发展专项规划,推动经济社会高质量发展发展。 【国家市场监督管理总局(标准委)、国家发展改革委、工业和信息化部、科技部、商务部、农业农村部等部门和地方人民政府按照职责分工负责。以下由当地人民政府负责,不再列出]

lol比赛赌注平台二、加强标准化与技术创新的有效互动。建立重大科技项目与标准化工作的联动机制,开展共性关键技术与应用科技项目形成的标准研究成果比例统计工作。在新一轮国家科技计划任务布局中,加强重点技术领域标准研究,将标准作为重要产出指标纳入科技计划实施体系。推进以标准研究为重点的试点,开展国家标准项目预审试点,加强互动发展。完善标准必要专利制度,推动建立标准与知识产权衔接工作机制。完善科技成果标准转化服务体系,搭建科技成果标准化服务平台,完善国家标准化技术文件体系。支持中国科学院、工程院等科研机构和高等院校推动科技成果向标准转化。 【科技部、国家市场监督管理总局(标准委)牵头,教育部、中科院、工程院、国家知识产权局按规定负责职责分工]

三、 提高装备制造水平。加快完善两化融合、智能制造等领域产业转型升级标准体系。围绕数控机床、工程机械、船舶装备、农业机械等重点领域,实施高端装备制造标准化和强基工程,制定实施一批高端装备和信息化、绿色低耗-碳,与现代服务一体化标准。开展智能制造、绿色制造、服务型制造标准化试点,形成以标准推动装备制造高端发展和推广应用的典型模式。 【市场监管总局(标准委)、工业和信息化部牵头,各有关部门按职责分工负责】

四、完善现代服务业标准支撑。围绕现代流通体系建设,制定智慧物流、跨境电子商务、海外仓等重点领域多项标准,完善多式联运标准体系。加强金融业数字化转型、金融风险防控、金融消费者保护等国家标准制定,加快构建绿色金融标准体系。完善快递安全生产和包装管理相关标准。进一步完善服务业标准化试点示范管理制度。 【国家发展改革委、交通运输部、商务部、人民银行、市场监督管理总局(标准委)、银保监会、证监会、国家铁路局、国家邮政局按职责分工负责]

lol比赛赌注平台五、不断提高消费品标准水平。制定实施消费品标准完善方案,完善和扩大内需标准支持。加强消费品安全标准制修订,增加儿童产品和适老产品标准供给。完善食品质量标准体系。推进消费品质量分级标准建设,加强消费者体验标准研究,加快消费品标准从生产导向向消费导向转变。 【工业和信息化部、市场监管总局(标准委)等按职责分工负责】

六、增加对新兴行业标准的支持。实施新型行业标准化试点,根据不同行业发展趋势和特点,制定相关领域标准体系规划,推动重点标准制定。 【工业和信息化部、科技部、市场监管总局(标准委)牵头,各有关部门按职责分工负责】多项引领新一代信息技术与各行业良性互动和深度融合的国家标准。不断完善新材料相关行业标准体系。 【工业和信息化部牵头,中央网信办、市场监管总局(标准委)按职责分工负责】推进生物技术领域标准建设应用程序。加快人工智能医疗器械、生物医用新材料、分子诊断新技术标准制定,进一步优化高端创新医疗器械标准体系。 【市场监管总局(标准委)、科技部、国家食品药品监督管理总局等按职责分工负责】加强数字技术标准制定,推进数字产业化和工业数字化。制定一批数据安全和数据交易标准,促进数据元市场的培育和发展。 【工业和信息化部牵头,中央网信办、科技部、市场监管总局(标准委)按职责分工负责】

七、促进产业链上下游标准的有效对接。实施标准化助力稳定重点产业链条,以机械、电子、纺织等重点行业为重点,加强跨行业、跨领域的产业链标准化协同。加强设计、材料、技术、检测、应用等关键环节、重点领域、重点产品的标准制定和应用。 【工业和信息化部、市场监管总局(标准委)牵头,各有关部门按职责分工负责】

lol比赛赌注平台八、 开展新基础设施标准化专项行动。加强工业互联网、车联网、能源互联网、时空信息等新型基础设施规划、设计、建设、运营、升级等标准制定。积极制定创新基础设施标准。选择一批发展基础扎实、引领作用突出的城市,开展新基建标准的孵化和应用。推进高技术标准化试点,推动融合基础设施标准制定实施。 【中央网信办 国家发展改革委 工业和信息化部 自然资源部 国家市场监督管理总局(标准委) 住房和城乡建设部国家能源局按职责分工负责]

九、实施碳峰碳中和标准化提升项目。介绍了建立健全碳尖峰碳中和标准计量体系的实施方案。加强各领域标准化工作统筹协调,成立全国碳峰碳中和标准化工作组。加快完善碳达峰基本通用标准,提升一批重点行业能耗配额、重点用能产品能效强制性国家标准,完善能源核算、检测认证、评价、审计等配套标准制定区域、重点行业、重点企业、重点产品碳排放核算报告核查标准。制定重点行业和产品温室气体排放标准。加强电力系统新标准建设,提高风电、光伏、输配电、储能、氢能、先进核电和化石能源等清洁高效利用标准。研究制定生态碳汇、碳捕集、利用和封存标准。开展碳峰碳中和标准化试点。分类建立绿色事业单位建设评价标准。 【市场监管总局(标准委)、国家发展改革委牵头,中央网信办、工业和信息化部、自然资源部、生态环境部、工信部住房城乡建设部、交通运输部、水利部、农业农村部、国家能源局、国家统计局、国家气象局、国家林业和草原局、国家管理总局按职责分工负责]

十、完善生态系统保护与恢复标准体系。完善生态环境质量和风险管控标准,制定和修订一批生态系统环境观测和环境保护、污染物排放标准。加强山、河、林、田、湖、草、沙、冰等整体观测、保护和系统修复等领域的标准制定,构建生态文明气象保障服务标准体系和生态文明标准体系。国土空间生态保护与修复。在生物多样性保护与管理、生物安全评价、生态状况监测与评价、生态系统稳定性评价、生态风险评价与预警、生态系统服务等领域开展标准制定。提高绿色产品标准。建立国家公园、自然保护区、生态保护红线标准体系。 【生态环境部、自然资源部、水利部、气象局、林业和草原局、市场监督管理总局(标准委)、工业和信息化部等按规定负责到职责分工]

十一、 提高自然资源保护和集约利用的标准水平。加快制定国土空间规划统一技术标准。建立统一的自然资源调查、登记、评价、评价、监测系列标准。加大土地资源节约集约利用和耕地资源管理分类相关标准的制修订力度。加强水资源节约集约利用和保护领域相关标准的制定。开展矿产资源节约集约化技术、绿色勘探、绿色矿山标准开发。制定和修订海水淡化和海洋能利用领域的多项标准。 【自然资源部、水利部、住房城乡建设部、市场监管总局(标准委)、农业农村部、工业和信息化部等按规定负责到职责分工]

十二、实施乡村振兴标准化行动。开展农业全产业链安全、质量、服务、支撑标准研发,构建全要素、全链条、多层次的现代农业全产业链标准体系。开展农村人居环境整治和标准化建设,加强农村垃圾污水处理、农村卫生厕所建设改造、农业农村基础设施和公共服务等领域标准制定,完善相关建设、运营管理,和监督服务标准。推进农村治理规范化中国工程标准委员会,开展农村安全防控领域标准制修订工作。加强国家农业标准化示范区建设,搭建农业标准化区域服务和推广平台中国工程标准委员会,促进标准化扶贫成果巩固和扩大。 【农业农村部、国家农村建设局、住房城乡建设部、市场监管总局(标准委)牵头,各有关部门按照规定负责职责分工]

十三、完善行政管理和社会治理标准体系。开展行政管理标准建设和社会治理标准化行动,探索开展行政许可规范、政务服务优化、国家综合政务服务平台建设与管理、营商环境评价、城乡建设等领域标准制修订工作社区治理。推进行政管理、政务服务、组织治理等标准化技术组织建设。在行政管理与政务服务、机关事务服务、社区治理等领域开展标准化试点。 【国务院办公厅、国家发展改革委、民政部、国家税务总局、国家市场监督管理总局(标准委)牵头,各有关部门按规定负责【职责分工】加强信用体系建设领域国家标准的制修订,促进信用信息互联互通、数据共享。 (国家发展改革委牵头,各有关部门按职责分工负责)实施城市标准化行动,完善智慧城市、城市可持续发展等重点领域标准体系,加强城市建设具有国际标准的创新城市。在区域协调发展、应急响应、基层社区治理等领域开展城市标准化试点。 【市场监管总局(标准委)、民政部、住房和城乡建设部、工业和信息化部牵头,各有关部门按分工负责职责]

十大四、实施公共安全标准化打底工程。建立健全以强制性标准为主体、适应“一切灾害、重大突发事件”的应急管理标准体系。在社会治安、刑法执法、反恐、防灾减灾和综合应急管理、重大疫情防控、粮食物资储备、安全生产、消防救援、交通运输、网络安全、建筑、水资源、产品等方面加强质量、专用设备等领域标准的制修订,开展标准应用试点。推动构建多部门、多区域、多系统快速联动、统一高效的公共安全标准化协调机制。 【中央网信办、应急管理部、公安部、国家卫健委、市场监管总局(标准委)牵头,住房城乡部紧随其后发展、交通运输部、水利部、国家粮食和储备局、国家铁路局、工业和信息化部等按职责分工负责]

十五、实施基本公共服务标准体系建设工程。加快制定基本公共服务相关设施建设、设备配置、人员配备和服务管理标准。推动基本公共服务标准化纳入区域发展战略,全面实施长三角地区基本公共服务标准化管理中国工程标准委员会,建立健全基本公共服务标准体系。推动基层服务机构标准制定、实施、评价的规范化和规范化。建立基本公共服务标准执行情况监督机制。 【市场监管总局(标准委)、国家发展改革委、财政部牵头,相关部门按职责分工负责】

十大六、促进高质量生活水平的提高。开展养老和家政服务标准化专项行动,完善标准体系,开展标准化试点,推动将标准化纳入提高家政服务业质量和做大做强的引领作用。加强养老机构服务安全强制性国家标准的宣传贯彻和监督检查,加快建立全国统一的养老机构服务质量评价体系。 【民政部、商务部、市场监督管理总局(标准委)牵头,各有关部门按职责分工负责】加强等重点人群卫生标准制定完善中医药标准体系,提高公共卫生和卫生标准化水平。完善体育、文化、旅游、广播电视、网络视听、文物保护利用等标准体系,推动度假休闲、乡村旅游、旅游民宿等标准制定和实施。加强对文物数字化、考古、文物和防灾自然灾害的支持和指导。 【国家卫生健康委、文化和旅游部、市场监督管理总局(标准委)、体育总局、广电总局、文物局,国家中医药管理局按职责分工负责]

十七、提高对国际标准化活动的参与度。实施标准国际化跨越工程,提高参与国际标准制定和转化的能力,加强国际标准化人才队伍建设,发展更加紧密、互利共赢的标准伙伴关系。履行国际标准化组织成员国的责任和义务,积极跟进和参与国际标准化组织(ISO)、国际电工委员会(ISO)等国际标准组织的战略规划和组织治理的制定和组织治理。 IEC)、国际电信联盟 (ITU) 和食品法典委员会 (CAC)。 推动制定碳峰碳中和、资源节约集约利用、智慧城市、食品安全、动植物健康、数字经济等国际标准,积极参与民生福祉、性别平等国际标准化活动平等、优质教育和文化遗产保护。研究制定跨境电子商务标准,完善数字金融、国际贸易单一窗口等标准。 【市场监管总局(标准委)牵头,工业和信息化部、国家卫健委、农业农村部、住房城乡建设部按规定负责到职责分工]

十大八、深化国际标准化合作。协调推进标准化与科技、产业、金融等领域的对外交流与合作中国工程标准委员会,促进政策、规则和标准的对接。加强自贸区建设中的标准合作,促进成员在《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》框架下的标准协调对接。扩大金砖国家、亚太经合组织等机制下的标准化对话,深化与欧洲、非洲、泛美、东盟、海湾阿拉伯国家等区域标准组织交流,加强东北亚标准化合作。 【国家发展改革委、商务部、科技部、市场监管总局(标准委)、外交部、工业和信息化部、中国人民银行,住建部按职责分工负责]

十大九、 促进中国标准与国际标准体系的兼容。推动建立国际标准跟踪转化长效工作机制,继续开展国际标准与国家标准各领域对比分析和适应性验证,加快推进先进适用国际标准转化。加强强制性外文版国家标准编制,推动中外文国家标准同步立项。鼓励行业和地方政府根据需要制定标准的外文版本。 【市场监管总局(标准委)牵头,各有关部门按职责分工负责】

第二十、加强共建“一带一路”标准互联互通。推动将标准合作内容纳入共建“一带一路”合作文件,推动标准有效对接。支持重大项目建设和国际科技合作,积极推动采用普遍适用的国际标准。进一步完善“一带一路”国家标准信息平台建设,促进标准信息共享与合作,促进中外标准互认。 【国家发展改革委、科技部、商务部、市场监管总局(标准委)、外交部、住房和城乡建设部、国家-国务院国有资产监督管理委员会、国家粮食和储备总局按职责分工负责]积极开展和实施标准化能力建设合作项目,加强标准互学互鉴、人员交流和经验分享。 【国际发展合作署、商务部、国家市场监督管理总局(标准委)等按职责分工负责】

二十一、促进国内外标准化协调发展。建立政府引导、企业主体、产学研联动的国际标准化工作机制。逐步推动国家标准与国际标准同步提出和制定,加强国家标准和国际标准的转化应用。加强国际标准研究,推进制度建设。保障外商投资企业依法参与标准制定。 Support enterprises, social groups, and scientific research institutions to actively participate in various international professional standards organizations. Encourage places where conditions permit to intensify innovation, and support international professional standards organizations to settle in China. [The State Administration for Market Regulation (Standards Committee) takes the lead, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Engineering, the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and the China Association for Science and Technology are responsible according to the division of responsibilities]

Twenty二、Promote the coordinated development of government-promulgated standards. Compulsory industry standards for safety production, public security, and taxation are temporarily managed according to the current model. [The State Administration for Market Regulation (Standards Committee), the Ministry of Emergency Response, the Ministry of Public Security, and the State Administration of Taxation, etc. shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities] Simultaneously promote the reform of recommended national standards, industry standards and local standards, and revise the "Administrative Measures for National Standards" and related standardization regulations. Explore and promote mechanism innovations such as the management of major standard project formulation and revision, recommended national standards acceptance group standards, and standard digitization. Carry out a pilot program to optimize the national standard system, and improve the standard review and review system. Strengthen the development of national standard samples in the fields of important pillar industries and new technologies. (Relevant departments are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

Twenty三、Strengthen the guidance of group standards and norms. Formulate and implement group standards to standardize high-quality development opinions. Implement the group standard training program, cultivate a group of outstanding group standard organizations, promote the demonstration of group standard application, and guide social groups to formulate original and high-quality standards. Improve the series of national standards for group standardization good behavior, improve the evaluation mechanism, and encourage self-evaluation and self-declaration. Strengthen industry self-discipline and social supervision, and give full play to the positive guidance and supervision of news media over group standards. Handle relevant issues in accordance with laws and regulations, and announce to the public the violations of group standards organizations and their handling results. [The State Administration for Market Regulation (Standards Committee) and the Ministry of Civil Affairs take the lead, and the China Association for Science and Technology is responsible according to the division of responsibilities]

Twenty四、Improve enterprise standardization capabilities. Effectively implement the enterprise standard self-declaration disclosure and supervision system, improve the enterprise standard information public service platform, and guide more enterprises to carry out self-declaration disclosure through the platform. In the fields of major consumer goods, equipment manufacturing, emerging industries and services, we will promote third-party organizations to release corporate standards as "leaders". Explore the establishment of a standard innovative enterprise system, encourage enterprises to build a technology, patent, and standard linkage innovation system, support enterprises to establish a standard cooperation mechanism with scientific research institutions and upstream and downstream industries, and cultivate a group of standard innovative enterprises. Improve the benchmarking work mechanism and promote the application of benchmarking results. [The State Administration for Market Regulation (Standards Committee) takes the lead, and all relevant departments are responsible according to the division of responsibilities]

Twenty五、Promote the innovation and development of local standardization. Continue to optimize the local standard system structure and improve the quality and level of standard supply. Deepen the standardization cooperation between provinces and ministries, and promote the in-depth development of the reform of local standardization work. Accelerate the exploration and innovation of regional standardization work, focus on the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, the ecological protection of the Yellow River Basin and the implementation of high-quality development and other major national and regional strategies. Commercial use of standards, joint development of standards, and coordinated implementation of standards. [The State Administration for Market Regulation (Standards Committee) takes the lead, and all relevant departments are responsible according to the division of responsibilities]

Twenty六、Strengthen the coordination of quality infrastructure standards. Driven by standards, promote the integrated development of measurement, inspection and testing, certification and accreditation, and improve the system and mechanism for the integrated development of national quality infrastructure. Promote the construction of national quality standard laboratories and national standard verification points, and improve the construction level of national technical standard innovation bases. Improve the "one-stop" service platform for national quality infrastructure, and strengthen the provision of full-chain technical solutions. [The State Administration for Market Regulation (Standards Committee) takes the lead, and all relevant departments are responsible according to the division of responsibilities]

Twenty七、Strengthen the implementation and supervision of standards. Promote the active application of advanced standards in the formulation of regulations and policy documents, as well as in activities such as certification and accreditation, inspection and testing, government procurement, and bidding. Promote macro-control, industry promotion, industry management, market access and quality supervision based on standards. Carry out statistical analysis reports on the implementation of mandatory national standards involving a wide range and a large scope of influence. Improve policy measures for standard implementation, optimize the information feedback mechanism for standard implementation, and promote third-party evaluation of standard implementation effects. Strengthen the "double random, one public" supervision and random inspection of group standards and enterprise standards. Establish and improve the methods and procedures for the supervision of standard formulation, and encourage the public to supervise the formulation and implementation of standards. (Relevant departments are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

Twenty八、Strengthen the construction of standardized technical support system. Focus on the development of new industries, new formats and new models, and promote the construction of standardized technology organizations. Establish a liaison mechanism between relevant standardization technical committees, strengthen supervision, inspection and assessment, and promote the integration and optimization of standardization technical committees and the overall improvement of the quality level. Build a national digital standard library and promote the construction and development of standard libraries at all levels. Improve the functions of the national standard information public service platform to realize cross-department, cross-industry and cross-regional standardized information exchange and sharing. Support institutions of higher learning, scientific research institutes, and standardization research institutions to carry out basic theoretical research and practice on standardization. (Relevant departments are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

Twenty九、Support the development of standardized service industry. Cultivate the standardized service market, and develop services such as retrieval and analysis, verification and evaluation, and pilot demonstrations around the whole process of standard development and implementation. Encourage more government procurement of standardized services to achieve diversification of service providers and methods. Organize and carry out surveys on the status quo of the standardization service industry, study and propose industrial statistical plans and evaluation mechanisms for the standardization service industry, and carry out pilot projects for standardization service evaluation and statistical analysis reports. For key industries and key areas, carry out standardized services into enterprises and parks, and cultivate standardized service industry clusters. [The State Administration for Market Regulation (Standards Committee), the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the National Bureau of Statistics are responsible according to the division of responsibilities]

Three十、 Strengthen the education and training of standardized talents. Arrange standardized courses or teaching content in relevant majors, promote the implementation of the academic certificate + vocational skill grade certificate (1+X certificate) system, and promote the application of vocational skill grade certificates in the standardization field. Build a number of standardized talent training bases, improve the network lecture halls for members of the National Professional Standardization Technical Committee, and increase the construction and personnel training of various standardization majors at all levels. Cultivate a group of standardized innovation teams and backbone young leaders. Strengthen the construction of national standardized high-end think tanks. [Ministry of Education, State Administration for Market Regulation (Standards Committee), Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, etc. are responsible according to the division of responsibilities]

Thirty一、 Sound incentive policies. All localities support the implementation of the important tasks of the "Outline" according to their financial situation. Commend and reward in accordance with relevant regulations. Strengthen policy support in finance, credit, and talent. Encourage commercial banks and financing guarantee companies to develop standard financing and credit enhancement service products. (The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the People's Bank of China, and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

Thirty二、 Strengthen supervision and inspection. Establish a work ledger for this action plan to promote the effective implementation of various tasks. All provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) should incorporate standardization work into government performance evaluation and performance appraisal. Select some places to explore and carry out standardized development evaluation pilots, and improve the standardized statistical investigation system. In the assessment of business performance of the persons in charge of state-owned enterprises, the incentives for the formulation and release of standards shall be increased. Give full play to the role of social organizations, industry associations, and professional research institutions, and explore the establishment of a third-party evaluation mechanism for the implementation of the Outline. [The State Administration for Market Regulation (Standards Committee), the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, and the National Bureau of Statistics are responsible according to the division of responsibilities]

Thirty三、 Strengthen publicity and guidance. Take various forms to vigorously publicize the significance, objectives and tasks and important measures of the implementation of the Outline. Release the interpretation of standardization policies in a timely manner, strengthen scientific guidance and typical reports, and improve the awareness of standardization in the whole society. Build a number of standardized propaganda and popularization bases, make good use of new media tools, improve the accuracy and effectiveness of propaganda, and make it a common action of the whole society to speak standards, use standards and abide by standards. [The Central Cyberspace Administration of China, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, and the State Administration for Market Regulation (Standards Committee) shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities]

lol比赛赌注平台Relevant departments in all regions should attach great importance to it, and put the promotion of the "Outline" and the tasks of this action plan into the important agenda. The Office of the Inter-ministerial Joint Conference on Coordination and Promotion of Standardization of the State Council shall strengthen overall planning and coordination, and strengthen the guidance, supervision and inspection of relevant work. Consolidate the consensus of the whole society, form a joint force of standardization work, and promote the effective implementation of various tasks.

